Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Shepherds Pie

My kids love Shepherds Pie. They would eat it every week if I made it that often. The good thing is it is cheap and definitely an easy prep meal. Here's my version, your's may be different. If so please leave a comment and tell me how you make it.

Shepherds Pie Using one pack of browned ground beef (I brown ahead and freeze it) , add in some beef broth for flavor. I usually add about a quarter cup. Bring to a boil. Then take a little corn starch dissolved in cold water and when the broth is boiling add it as a thickener. Put in a 9X13 dish. Top with the can of green peas, and then add 2 ½ cups mashed potatoes. Bake for about 15 min to heat it through, you can add cheese to the top if you want.

Want more cheap beef recipes? see my Associated Content article with more recipes here

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